Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Easter Bunny may have been busted!!!

Last night while we were watching T.V., a Walmart commercial came on saying that they help keep Easter cheap and it showed how much more your baskets would have in them for shopping at their store. I saw Gavin look at me and I knew what was coming....

Gavin: "Mom, Tianna said she doesn't believe in the Easter bunny or Santa. She said it is just the parents who do it all."
Me: "Why does she say that?"
Gavin: "I don't know. One of my friends said he saw Santa talking to his Dad. I'm not sure. It may be the parents."
Camille: "Why would our parents trick us? Then they would have to buy all the presents themselves."
Then she sat there looking at me, waiting for me to say something...
Me: "What?!, the parents would get all the presents?! Sounds good to me!"
Then they started laughing and saying NOOOOOOOOO!!! and the subject was changed.

AHHHHHH!!!! I'm not ready for my babies to be so grown up. I love the magic of the holidays and will be so sad if it ends.


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