Sunday, April 11, 2010

Garage sale success!!

Over the past few weeks I have been hauling boxes out of our storage space and going through things. I found things I had forgotten I had, things that I have no idea why I kept and tell me I should probably be on the show Hoarders, and then there were the things I could put into a garage sale. I had boy and girl clothes of all sizes, shoes of all sizes, knick knacks, toys, and lots of other misc things. It took forever, but with the help of a couple of my sisters (Jess and Nicole, you girls rock!) I managed to get a whole truck load of things sorted, priced, and brought over to my parent's house.

Friday and Saturday, my sisters (Jess, Nicole, and Erika), my parents, my Aunt Jane, Nicole's brother in law, and I put our stuff together for one HUGE garage sale. We had a massive turnout and managed to sell a ton of things.

Here's how we did:

Erika: $28.00
Aunt Jane: $29.00
Nicole's brother in law: $40.65
Mom and Dad: $43.00
Gavin and Camille (they got all the money from their toys selling): $53.50
Nicole: $103.65
Jess: $109.35
Me: $211.20

With the grand total of.....$618.35!!!!

I wish I would've taken a picture of everything all set up before the sale started to show you how much stuff we had. It is amazing when you know how much sold and then see how much stuff we still have. We have decided since everything is all organized and set up we are going to do it again next weekend! Let's hope more of it goes.

Well I'm off to get ready, so Gavin will stop pestering me to take him shopping. His money seems to be burning a hole in his pocket and we certainly don't want that! lol

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