Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Pre-op appointment

My testing was suppose to all be done at the pre-op center, but they were running behind. Rather than have me wait, the lady sent me out to go to each individual department to have my testing done. I started on zero floor, then went to the first floor for registration and the lab, for blood work and a urinalysis. From there, I went to the third floor for my chest x-ray, and finished up with an EKG on the fifth floor. As you can see I pretty much took a tour of the entire place and got my exercise at the same time!

As I was sitting in the radiology department waiting for them to make sure my x-ray films were good quality, a panicked feeling came over me. I started worrying that they are going to find something. I know this stems from my paranoia about those stupid lung nodules and I hate it. I hate that cancer has made me fearful for my life. Let's just pray all my testing comes back normal.

I haven't heard back from my gynecologist yet, so I will have to call the office tomorrow to see what the recommendation is.

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